Friday, May 1, 2015

"Made Perfect" -2

"For Thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy." (Psalms 61:3) Now that I think of it, it is really all about God's love; a love that is so strong and powerful, that once you have entered into it, you are so captivated by it, you never ever what to leave! Pastor Jon was showing something yesterday, and he really has a way of setting up a point; the point being that Jesus was made to be sin that was punished in our place; even though He did not sin, His righteousness took the place of our unrighteousness. Jon used the illustration of that serpent lifted up in the wilderness to make the point, that as the serpent tempted Eve in the garden by getting her to look upon that tree, and to make her want to desire it, so too, that serpent was lifted up for the children of Israel to look upon to be saved. The main point he was making, was not that Jesus was the serpent, but that Jesus was made sin in our place; the serpent being the representation of the cause of death, just as the children of Israel were dying because of the serpents which had bitten them. It is really a perfect illustration of the overwhelming depth of God's love for us, and how He would go to such lengths to make us aware of how much He loves us. By the way, "children" is a title given to children, as in those that need guidance, protection, and to be loved regardless of what they might do, but because they are a child; His child, to more exact. Which was the second most important thing to understand, that God has chosen me! He has made me His child; I did not make Him my Father; it does not work that way in life, and it does not work that way in heaven; the child does not produce the parent, the parent produces the child. Not only did God make me His child, but He has made me perfect in His Son; His Son that took my place upon that cross; who became sin; my sin, your sin; the sin of the entire world was put upon Him; so look upon Him...
"But now, O Jacob, listen to the LORD who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are Mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom; I gave Ethiopia and Seba in your place. Others were given in exchange for you. I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to Me. You are honored, and I love you." (Isaiah 43:1-4) NLT  

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