Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"Hold On Tight"

"He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved." (Psalms 62:2) If you are going through anything right now that is too far outside of your ability to control, or is way beyond your usual limits of endurance and strength, be encouraged, up are currently right where God wants you to be: totally and utterly dependent upon Him! If you have asked God to teach you how to love Him more, or to teach how to love others as He would have you love them, then please be aware, your lesson is going to involve sacrifice of self; there is no other way you are going to learn how to love, without love becoming the only thing left that you have to offer. If you have asked God to fill you with His joy, and to be able to rejoice through anything that might get thrown your way, then guess what, you have just become the target; you have just become the guy in the dunk tank at the carnival, and everyone wants a chance to make you wet. You have no idea what trusting in God truly feels like until you are in a position that requires you to put your trust in God! I know we don't want to hear that; and we surely don't ask for it outright; but it's true, if you want to trust God more in your life, then hold on tight, because the only way your going to learn to trust Him, is for Him to stretch your limits of doubt. Remember that this Psalm is about "Depending on God", and the only sure way we are going to learn how to be dependent on God, is by loosing our dependency on anything else but Him! I mean, we can say we are dependent upon Him, and we can pretend that we have what it takes; but how do you actually know, unless God is all that you have left? I took the liberty of making "Rock" and "Salvation" capitalized, because they are the two most important things that we have to hold on to; the Rock being our Lord, Christ Jesus, and He is our Salvation, and our salvation is secure in Him; nothing or no one can take that away from us, so it is the most secure thing that we have to hold onto. He has never promised us anything else but what really matters, so why should we expect Him to protect anything that does not? To be perfectly honest, I don't know that I have what it takes to "not be greatly moved", but I am not really that worried about it, because "He is my Defense", and He is not going anywhere...
"O LORD, I will honor and praise Your name, for You are My God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and now You have accomplished them. You turn mighty cities into heaps of ruins. Cities with strong walls are turned to rubble. Beautiful palaces in distant lands disappear and will never be rebuilt. Therefore, strong nations will declare Your glory; ruthless nations will fear You. But You are a tower of refuge to the poor, O LORD, a tower of refuge to the needy in distress. You are a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the heat. For the oppressive acts of ruthless people are like a storm beating against a wall, or like the relentless heat of the desert. But You silence the roar of foreign nations. As the shade of a cloud cools relentless heat, so the boastful songs of ruthless people are stilled." (Isaiah 25:1-5)  

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