Sunday, May 10, 2015

"For What It's Worth"

"Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from Him cometh my salvation." (Psalms 62:1) You know, there are some people that know too much information, because too much information makes them think that they know everything. They go into Seminary hungry for God, and they come out fat with worldly points of views, and God is somewhere else outside of this domain. I actually don't agree with everything I hear on the radio, and sometimes I hear something, and I get fired up to counter that notion or belief. This verse has triggered such a response. How anyone could honestly think that God does not care what you do before you have come to accept Jesus Christ into your heart, is beyond anything that I have come to understand about God's calling upon our lives; because the Bible teaches that "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5) Now maybe that just counts for important people that matter, but I have been taught that we all matter to God the same; and if that is so, then God's calling has been upon all His children, long before they were in their mother's womb. And if that's the case, then wouldn't seem to make God as much concerned about the mother of one of His children as He is about the child? So if He is concerned for the mother, then would it not also seem to reason that He cares about what that child does after he is born? What the heck is going on in the head of anyone that would think such a thing? Maybe it comes from the fact that God called Abraham while he was a pagan living in a pagan country, and it was not till Abraham answered the call that God started to bless him; but then again, why does God go through all the trouble to list the genealogy of those that matter, if nothing before they answered the call matters at all? God is all over our lives! He was there all along, making us happen before we were even thought of, before our grandparents were even thought of; heck, God has known each and every one of His children since the creation of time; so put that in your pipe and smoke it! Hold the phone! Whatever happen to "Come Home"? Come on; I had a home to go to long before I went to it, it was always there waiting for me, I just needed to open that door! Which reminds me, my mother never ever shut the door to her house; if she had a home, then I had a home; my problem was that I did not respect her invitation a lot of times, and I surely did not respect the security she offered...
Happy Mothers Day to all you moms; and especially to you Mother. I'll see you soon!

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