Friday, May 8, 2015

"Upon This Rock!"

"So will I sing praise unto Thy Name for ever, that I may daily perform my vows." (Psalms 61:8) Whether you are one that believes in the eternal fires of hell or not, I am sure that it is not a salvation issue, as long as you believe that Jesus Christ has delivered from hell, whichever hell that might be. But one thing is for sure, we could not have done it without Him! As I said before, performing our vows is not what gets us into heaven, as difficult as that might be to understand; if any vow might even seem plausible, it's the vow of believing God is who He says that He is; and even then, I think many of us fail that test in the midst of a trial, or when we have strayed from the path. As I was praying about this verse, I could not help but think about Peter, and how he denied Jesus, even after Jesus told him that he would; even after Peter told Jesus, to His face, that he never would, he still denied Him; not just once, but three times, just as Jesus told him that he would. We have got to be able to understand how dependent we are on the blood of Jesus, because there is absolutely no way we are getting into heaven on our own! Why anyone would even imagine that they could, it just goes to show how prideful we can be, and how little we know about our own abilities, or lack thereof. I heard a message several weeks ago, which talked about how we are the weakest in that which we think that we are the strongest; if you think that you are strong in being committed to your spouse, then that is where you will fail; if you think that you are strong in resisted anything, then that thing you think that you are strong in will end up being your downfall. Abraham trusted God, that seems pretty easy of a strength to hold onto; yet how many times did he doubt God's promises? I can think of at least six without even trying. Noah was a man that stood out from the rest of the "drunken" world, as righteous; yet as soon as he could, he planted a vineyard and got drunk. Moses was a man that interceded for God's people, constantly getting on his face before God and asking God to have mercy on them; yet, it was his temper against the people that kept him out of the promise land. Peter might be one of the easiest examples to look at, only because his weakness in his strength was so immediately obvious; it actually happened in a matter of hours! I think the key to understanding what is being said, is in the word "daily", because I am constantly needing to "perform my vows"; which does not mean that I am doing what I said I would do, but that I am vowing to do what I should over and over on a daily basis...
"Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance - all who seek the LORD! Consider the rock from which you were cut, the quarry from which you were mined. Yes, think of Abraham your ancestor, and Sarah, who gave birth to your nation. Abraham was only one man when I called him. But when I blessed him, he became a great nation." (Isaiah 51:1-2)      

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