Monday, March 28, 2011

"Making Jesus Lord of My Life"

As I was praying about this title this morning, I could not help but think of the difference between making Jesus Lord and letting Him be Lord; and have come to the understanding that it works both ways. If you think about the first day that you asked Christ into your heart (if you can remember), He began to direct your life right from the start. From the perspective of our New Life in Christ, everything that Jesus changed in us was accepted and welcomed as how our life was now going to be. However, from the perspective of the old life; well, let's just say that there needed to be some things worked out. This is the point of what I am saying! Our life in Christ is not all just handed to us on that first day, and then there is nothing that we must do; although, on that first day, He made everything New, there is work to be done in and through us. The point of the Refiners Fire is to do some of that work, and the understanding which must come from that is the finished work. Sadly, there are some who will go through the fire, only to heated up, and to never gain the understanding of what the fire was even for. This is the part of our life that requires 'Making Jesus Lord', because there is something that we have placed before Him which must be removed. There are several questions we must ask while going through any trial, and they all have to do with change; How do you want to change me Lord? is a good one to start with. Another that ranks right up there is, How can I surrender all to you? because it has the beginning of making the right choices. In case you were not aware of this, surrendering all to the Lord is not as easy as it might sound (if you think it does). In fact, as I look at the mighty men of God throughout the Bible, there seems to be one common thread to the sin in their lives: Pride, or Vanity, which ever way you wish to look at it. I think that pride is the root of the problem, whereas vanity is the fruit that is shown in our actions; but the root of the problem is the pride. So, the thing that I am seeing (from person experience!), is that the fire will quickly burn away the vanity, which is the surface stuff that is in the way of God's work in us; but the pride, that is a different matter and must be surrendered; OUCH!!! Things could get a little hot! "My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of His correction: For whom the Lord loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold." (Proverbs 3:11-14)

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