Monday, March 14, 2011

"Holding On" part two

"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him: Rooted and built up in Him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving." (Colossians 2:6 & 7) Now you might be wondering about the 'relationships' that I closed with yesterday, and how having relationships in the most important thing, or what matters the most. But let me assure you by a couple of very interesting facts; the first of which, being the fact that no one who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is going to be entering into Heaven. And when I say relationship, I mean that there is something in which we have in common, and He knows me, and He calls me friend. Thinking back to 'the young man who was naked' (regardless of that being Mark, or the young rich ruler; but it works better for my point), and his desire to hold unto Jesus, there is a certain motivation that we can detect in his reason to hold on; primarily, he is without anything else but Jesus, and the hope of inheriting eternal life. When they came and took his Master away by force, his hope was disrupted by the removal of Him on whom he had placed all hope. Although it was only for a few days, his devastation was no doubt the kind that would cause most to kill themselves, or go nuts: There goes that crazy naked guy! There was however a relationship that had been established between Jesus and this young man; a relationship that was based upon his need for his Master's providing; for not only his temporary needs, such as food and water, but most importantly, his spiritual needs, and the reason to hope. That hope which was disrupted, was restored and magnified, after Jesus rose on the third day after His death; giving this young man the ability to rest in Christ Jesus his Lord. This is what Paul means by the word 'stablished' in the faith; because there is nothing here that is constant, or that we can place our hope in because it is reliable or sure. In fact, the only sure way of knowing that we are Saved, have Eternal Life, and going to Heaven, is by our personal relationship with Jesus Christ; so if you are not sure of your relationship, then where you are going to end up is in doubt...

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