Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"The Lord is My God" (yes or no)

I think this requires a little thought, and some deep soul searching; because the one thing that is required for me to make a statement such as 'The Lord is My God', is that He is my One True God, and there is no other god that I serve than Him. When Jesus would say, 'Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind soul and strength', the all part of that statement requires a devoted love to be in place. What that basically means is that my heart is devoted to loving God, and there is no other. But really, how do you know that there is no other? How can you know unless your love for God is tested by fire? But here is the fascinating thing about this testing that must take place, God already knows the answer; so, the testing is not for Him to know, but for us. And not only that we would know, but that we would gain understanding in the matter, and it will be reflected in our physical life here on this earth. The second part of Jesus' statement, would also include, 'To love your brother'; however, we can not begin to love our brother until we first love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. This might not sound like something that requires a whole lot of thought, but I think it really does. Stop and think for just a moment about a quarrel you have seen between two brothers, or two sisters; and ask yourself what would you have done different if it was you. I think if you are totally honest with yourself, you would be able to see how selfish you could be also in any given situation, and that we all have a little pride that needs to be burnt out of our lives. What I found really interesting this morning as I was praying about this post, is that what might make the other god we serve so hard to see, could be the fact that we are looking without, when we might need to look within!!! "Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, and before honour is humility." (Proverbs 18:12)

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