Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Facing The Fire"

I picture the fiery furnace that Nebuchadnezzar had made to punish his subjects as something that was also made in his likeness; the mouth of the furnace being his open mouth to swallow all those who would not obey. Thinking back to the 'valley of the shadow of death' which is the most famous part of the 23rd Psalm, I could not help but remember why those shadows cannot hurt me, and why also the flames of the fire can do me no harm; it is because my God is with me, and if my God is with me, then everything will be okay. However, if God was not with me, then even the shadows could and would harm me, because those shadows represent darkness. I do not know what trial you may be facing, and even if I did, I probably could not relate to the level of the trial that you are feeling; because we each feel our own trials in our own ways. I may not think that your trial is that big of a deal, but you might be seeing it as the end of your world. God, on the other hand, has not only the trial in His control, but He also has your best interest in mind; that is however, if you are willing to face the fire. Strange as that may sound to some, it is the only way that God can refine us, and make us as pure as fine gold: 'The Refiners Fire' as many will call it, is meant to do what we cannot do on our own. Just as the blood of Jesus takes away all of the sins, which we have no way of doing anything about our self; the Refiners Fire has the ability to remove all of our inadequacies, that we may not even know we have. However, we must be willing to face the fire! What do I mean by that? Well, if you had to ask; the point I am trying to make is that if the fire is meant for our good, then no matter how scary it may look, we must be willing to face it with the anticipation of God doing something good in us, or through us. What is your fire? Is it health related, or financially based? I can only relate to some of your trial, but the force of the fire that you are feeling has the heat attached to it. I can however assure you that no matter how scary the fiery furnace may look, or how hot the flames may become, if God is with you, then all will be okay!!! "The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want." (Psalm 23:1) This beginning to a very famous Psalm says more to what I am saying then I could ever say; because if the Lord is my Shepherd, and He is leading me, then I must trust Him in all things! All does mean all, right?

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