Saturday, March 5, 2011

"Being Still"

How is it that I am busy, even when I am not busy? I wonder sometimes what it would be like to be a shepherd, and have so much time to watch sheep, and talk with the Lord. To gaze up into the heavens for hours at a time, and to actually get to know the Maker of the universe, and get a really good feel for smallness. Yesterday I came to a very strong conclusion about my life: I can not keep up! Every day is just a faded memory, and it seems that weeks last more like days; months seem more like a week; and three years seem like one. I think I will call this 'Racing Towards Eternity', because that is what it feels like. I really am looking forward to the day when I can see my Lord face to face, and will no longer need to deal with this world. This I believe is one of the key reasons that we need to be still and know that He is Lord; because we have no control over anything, and He is Lord of All!!! I am really excited about the Men's Conference taking place today. The theme is 'Jesus is Lord', and I am trying to prepare my heart for the Lord to do something great today! And, I know that I do not need to be out in a field somewhere far away from everyone else in order to be still; but I just need to come before Him as a child who needs to be nurtured by the One who made me. This is actually known as being weak; as strange as that may sound to some, but that is key to being still; that we would be weak before the Lord, so that we might become strong in the Lord. Which is also why gazing up at the stars for hours at a time can give a person a sense of frailty, or the proper perspective on just how small they really are; like a bug on a busy sidewalk! In Psalm 46:10, the word 'still' is the same word that we looked at before, but in a negative light; it is the word 'raphah' and it means to be slack, to be idle, to be feeble; to loosen your grip (which we looked at before in the sense of letting go of someone who was about to go over a cliff). However, to paint this word in a positive light, we must understand that the main way that we surrender anything to the Lord, is by letting go of those things. Nothing, absolutely nothing can be surrendered if it is still held onto; and we can not be still before the Lord if we are busy dealing with stuff!!! "Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."

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