Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Holding On"

Watching Fox News yesterday morning, I couldn't help but feel for those devastated people in Japan. Listening to Neil Cavuto sum up his coverage, he thanked those people in Japan for the reminder of what really matters, Life! As he put it, Do you think those people were caring about their 401k, their savings, their retirement; no, they were thinking about being alive, and about those that were lost! (paraphrased) I am not sure about Neil's relationship with God, but I can tell from his attention to detail, that he believes in God, or at least knows that there is one. I took a brief moment to look up Neil's bio, and he has had some hard kicks himself; battled cancer and MS, and is thankful to be able to walk or talk. He did graduate from a Roman Catholic High School, so there was some form of church upbringing in his life. I think that we all need to be reminded of what really matters, because this life we have been given is so very temporary, and can be over in just a few seconds. Looking at the footage of all the stuff being swept away, the cars, the houses; and then thinking about what that stuff stands for, I have come to realize something important: there is nothing that we can hold onto, except Jesus Christ!!! Not even our lives are able to be held onto, for they are here today and gone tomorrow. So really; what really matters? Do you think you know? How about where you will spend eternity? Yes, that could mean something down the road; but the thing that really matters now, right now, What is it? I will just say one word, and then leave it at that; for now: RELATIONSHIPS!!!

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