Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Dependence Upon God" -2

Another thing which we must consider as we reason with God, is the time span that we are talking about; for example, my sailing ship filled with supplies for two years, really does not justify a life. In fact, as I said Saturday morning, two years is nothing in this crazy life, and just goes by so fast. Which might be one reason that I picked the sailing ship, because I thought of a place where time would go by the slowest; and where else but out in the middle of the ocean? But really; the time span that I am talking about goes beyond our life here; which as James said so perfectly in James 4:14, "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life ? It is but a vapour, that appeareth for a little while, and then vanisheth away". This might sound crazy, but there are people out there that believe that this is all that there is, and that when you die, that is all she wrote. I tried to think about that being the case, and I really could not think that through very long; it just could not make any sense whatsoever how someone could believe that God does not exist; and if He does exist, and if He is eternal, then wouldn't it make sense that there would be something beyond this life? Now, if we take a quick look again at the 'rich young ruler' from Luke 18:18, there was something that he neglected to understand about the Law, and his reason to keep the Law since the time of his youth: the benefits of keeping the Law were based in eternity! But yet he approached Jesus with the question, "Good Master, what should I do to inherit eternal life?"; to which Jesus responded, "Why callest Me good? none is good, save One, that is, God. Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother". Either Jesus had left something out, or He was interrupted during the listing of the Law, because the Law that the 'rich young ruler' was guilty of breaking, was the one that says, 'Thou shalt have no other gods before Me'. For he had put his dependence in his riches, and not in God. Those riches that he possessed were only temporary, just like his life here on this earth; yet his question was based on eternal life, and how he could inherit it. Jesus, knowing the real condition of his heart, said the thing that he lacked was his dependence upon riches, and not upon God. As was the case in many 'rich young rulers' of that day, theirs was an inheritance; the wealth and position that they had was handed down to them from their fathers. This might be the reason for his phrasing the question the way that he did, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?"; because his life here was one of inheritance...

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