Friday, March 18, 2011

"Holding On To Jesus" -2

Here is the thing about having two masters: only one of them will rule your life! So, you really can not have two masters, because the hardest thing to do in this life is to not worry; if you have worry, then where is God in that? Someone who is a follower of Jesus Christ, they are to be following Him; which means that the direction of their life is not determined by them, but by Him. As I thought about that question I have not asked the Lord in a long time, 'What do You want to do today, Lord?', I wondered where my life would be right now if I had made that the way I had started every day. In an effort to get myself to understand what it is I must be doing, I try to picture what Jesus would have me to do; which is kind of on the lines of 'What Would Jesus Do', but with more of a focus on direction, then on action. The reason for this variation in the way that I am thinking is that directions are more for the way we are going, while actions are more for the way that we respond. Maybe that did not make since to you, but believe me, I have tried to think of a better way to put it and it just is not there. God has instructed us by His Word everything that we need to know about our actions, and how we respond to every situation in life; but our direction is something which we must live on a day to day basis. Looking back on my life for as long as I can remember, I have based the direction of my life upon survival; which means that I have lived to keep living, and keep my family in a good home, and living a modest lifestyle. So, the motivation of my life has been to sustain these things; which I do not believe that this was my intention, but was more of my overall focus, as I look back on things. When Jesus said, "Ye cannot serve God and mammon", I think that word means more than just money; I think it means all that money represents, which is the life we all live in...Weird!!!

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