Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Holding On To Jesus" -3

Now you are wondering where I am going with all of this; quite frankly, so am I. But the easiest way to understand where you are at, is to look where you have been, and then say, Now how did that happen? Serving the things of this world is not as cut and dry as you might think; and it is definitely not just about money. The way I am seeing it, the real issue comes from the life that requires your everyday thoughts, desires, and plans to be geared towards making the things of this world work out. Oddly enough, that is what we have been instructed to do since we were children in school. Our whole life has been about planning a lifestyle, raising families, making the dreams of our youth come true, or just trying to stay alive. If you are told to do something with your life from the time that you were born, it makes it pretty hard to change the focus of your heart, and the inner passions of your daily living, to conform to the way that is required for us to be holding on to Jesus. Basically the whole point that I am trying to make in this posting today, is that Jesus must be the focus of our lives, if we are going to be holding on to Him. Otherwise, we are actually holding on to those things that govern our lives, and then trying to depend on Jesus to get us though our messed up lives; when all the while, the reason that our life is so messed up, is because we are holding on to the wrong thing... I need to think about that for a while! "Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought of your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?" (Matthew 6:25)

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