Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Holding On To Jesus"

As strange as this may sound, I can't always hold on to Jesus; but Jesus holds on to me! This is a promise that I can hold on to, that much I know, because He has said in His Word, that He will never let me go, and no man can snatch me from His hand! So why would I say that I can not always hold on to Jesus? I am just being honest; and the fact is, that I sometimes get distracted by the world; not really by intention, but just from boredom maybe. But, finding myself in a place where I am no longer holding Jesus as my One-in-All, but holding other things closer, and placing more of my cares in those other things, than in my relationship with Him. However, no matter how far I stray away from Him, He is always holding me, and making sure that I do not get hurt to bad. You did notice that I said to bad and not just get hurt at all; because, sometimes we need to get hurt a little in order to keep us knowing how much we need to hold on to Him. I was thinking this morning about something very interesting, and I can't really remember the last time I actually asked this question, but I know I did once upon a time; and the question is: What do You want to do today, Lord? Don't get me wrong, I ask the Lord to do things all the time, but it is more like, Lord help me to do this, or help me to be more like You. But the real meaning of the question, What do You want to do, is that I am waiting on Him to lead me, instead of me trying to lead Him. It is kind of scary, but I don't think I have asked Him to show me what to do in quite awhile. Instead, I have thought of what I need to do, and then asked Him to help me do it. This is what I believe is the reason that we must "receive the kingdom of God as a little child"; not because we are just newly born into His kingdom, but more because we are dependant upon His care. Just as a small child will be fearful of being away from it's mother or father, and cries out to them as soon as they are hurt; so too are we to be with our Heavenly Father, knowing that we are safe in His care... "No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24)

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