Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Entering The Fire"

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) There are a couple of different ways to enter into the fire, being thrown in bound is one of them. But the place where entering starts is actually back before being bound and thrown in takes place. For Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego, entering the fire started when they refused to bow down to the image on Nebuchadnezzar; that is the point in which there is a choice made in our heart that nothing else matters but God. Do I think they believed that God would rescue them? Yes, I believe that they put all of their faith in God for His protection, but they also were willing to die, if that be the case. That is where entering the fire began for them, when they made that choice to even die for their faith; which was the evidence of their faith. Our faith must be seen, because it is not just something that we can talk about, and then when faced with a choice that could even result in death, we back down and do not demonstrate what we say that we believe in. What was the thing that caused them to enter into the fire? it was their faith. And because their faith in God was to such a degree that the fear of death was not an issue, they could be prepared to enter into the fire. Now then, regarding the "Valley of the shadow of death" which I mentioned yesterday, and the statement about shadows having no direct effect upon my life; the reason that this statement means so much to me, is that those shadows are very similar to the flames of the fire. I related the direct effect that a shadow can harm me, to the results that the flames of a fire will do to me; a shadow can only do good for me, but can do me no harm. For example: a shadow can warn me of possible danger, or give me shelter from the sun; but the direct result upon my life, as far as harming me, a shadow cannot do. Which the flames of the fire cannot do either, because the only thing that will be accomplished by the fire will be good; such as burning off the things that bind me, slaying those things that have thrown me in, and giving glory to God as I walk with Him in the fire; just to name a few!

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