Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Dependence Upon God" -3

Inherit eternal life!!! "Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" This I believe is key to the whole reason that we are dependent upon God, because the only way to be given the gift of eternal life is by inheritance! We can not earn our way to heaven, or purchase our way there; but it has been purchased for us by the blood of Jesus Christ. And the only way that we can be a part of the inheritance, is by being born into the kingdom of God! Just as Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3-7, that unless a man is born again, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. This is what it means to be a child of God; and with the adoption into that position, comes the reward of inheritance into the kingdom for all eternity. Now then, the question which comes to my mind in this situation, is why didn't Jesus answer the 'rich young ruler' the way that He instructed Nicodemus? Why didn't Jesus say to this young man, that he must be born again to receive eternal life? Without getting into a theological discussion, let's just say that Jesus knew the condition of this man's heart; and He knew what it was that possessed his heart: his possessions! Besides, the real twist to this story is the 'Good Master' part of the question, and the way Jesus answered that title, was the answer to the real question: "There is none good, save one, that is God". Because it really does not matter how many commandments Jesus would have listed, nor which ones that He left out; the real question asked was about keeping them, and do you think you have done them all? Which is a resounding no for anyone who is asked! But that is what Jesus died on the cross for, and why He instructed this young man to sell all that he had, (which were the things that he put his trust in), give it all away, and follow Him. And again, we can see a very similarity between the possibility of keeping the Law, and the statement Jesus made about the possibility of a rich man entering the kingdom of God: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle". Which takes us back to our dependence upon God: "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God". (Luke 18:27)

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