Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Following Jesus Happily" :)

"Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold." (Proverbs 3:13 & 14) I hope that Solomon is talking about wisdom and understanding here, because the previous verse speaks about correction; but I am thinking that the two are one of the same! First off, the word 'wisdom' used here in this Passage is 'Chokhmah' and is a noun that is gained by experience; therefore, skeptics will never find this kind of wisdom, and they will never know the true meaning of life. God is all-knowing and all-powerful; therefore, all wisdom has its source in Him, and does not have a separate existence. Then, when we add in the word 'understanding' with wisdom, it is our own individual insight into the who and the why; or the object, faculty and personification of wisdom. Now I bet your wondering where following Jesus comes into this, or why this should be based on happiness: Don't be such a skeptic! I am talking about something that is fundamental to our walk with the Lord, and it has to do with wanting. If you were wondering if I was off of that subject, your wrong. How many times have you looked at someone in the world that has everything going well for them and wondered why they have so much and you have so little? Oh, I'm sorry, I did not mean to assume anything. If you are happy with the what and where in your life, then I am sorry; but some of us are just two steps away from homeless; and some are less than one. Thinking back to the 'rich young ruler' that went away sad when Jesus said, "Sell all that you have, give it to the poor, and follow me", I have to wonder, if that was Mark, what changed his heart and mind. I just picture him laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling, and thinking about what Jesus said. His desire was how he could inherit eternal life, yet he lacked one thing, and the one thing he lacked was an eternal perspective on life. I picture him laying there and imagining his life with and without; but as he gets more and more of the eternal perspective, he gets less and less attached to his riches; until he finally can see the happiness in the life he will have in Christ alone. This is a heart that will be happily following Jesus, no matter what may be taken away or added upon them...

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