Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Holding On" for her...

I know that one day... Really that is what Hope is all about; the day that is coming; and it is just around the corner. The first thing that you must understand is that I am not holding my wife here, but God is. Believe me, I have wondered numerous times about the whys in this matter, but ultimately God is in control; and the things that He does never cease to amaze me. My main problem, and I am speaking frankly, is that I sometimes have doubt; doubt that He is still doing a work in me and in her. Call it the flesh if you will, but the simple fact is that the forces that are pressing against me are sometimes hard to push back. I can tell when people react negatively to my wife, and are quick to dismiss her as a person. I know that sounds a little harsh, but it is true; because the harsh reality is that many people would not want to live in that condition. However, nobody knows what that condition is really like. They might think that they know; they might study the brain movements on electronic images, and think they know what they are looking at; but what is going on inside of her, they really have not a clue. My job, and my obligation, is to make her as comfortable as I possibly can, to love her as much as Jesus loves me, and to keep Hope alive!!! There is nothing that is to difficult for my God to do; absolutely Nothing! "And He said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." (Luke 18:27)

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