Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"The Heart of God" - 2

So you might be wondering how the fact that the unbelieving spouse being sanctified by the believing spouse has anything to do with the point I was making; are you? Well, I pretty much thought that it made my point all by it's self; but in case you did not get the point that was made, I will try to run it down for you. The thing that I was talking about is what happens in our heart, is very similar to what happens in the marriage of the believer and the unbeliever. In other words, the wickedness of our heart will not defile the holiness of God; but the holiness of God will sanctify our wicked heart. Does that mean that our wickedness is no more? No, that is not true; and if you look close enough at your heart, you will see that is the case. However, the point to what I was saying, is that God's holiness will, and is able to, override our wickedness, if we are submissive to the Holy Spirit. The primary word for 'sanctify' means to make Holy, or to make clean; which is brought by the sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit on the heart. In the text of what Peter was saying in 1 Peter 3:15, to sanctify the Lord in our heart, we must acknowledge the source of any holiness that dwells within us, is not from us, but is of God. And in doing this, we are preparing our self to give the right answer for the hope that is within us; and what is the right answer? Well, let's see; in the context of what Peter is speaking about, it would have to do with not being afraid to suffer for righteousness sake, and what we would say when someone were to ask us why we are not. Peter also uses 'meekness and fear' as the way to express our answer to those that might ask; which is our response to the work of the Holy Spirit upon our heart. Again, it is not our doing; therefore, it is nothing which we can boost about, or take credit in anyway; because the work that is done in us is of God. Therefore, our answer which is to be given, is one that will glorify God for not only the work He has done in us, but also for the work that He will do in the one who might ask.

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