Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Complete In Love"

"Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband." (Ephesians 5:33) Now that we have had a chance to see what might be, we must be given an opportunity to know what Love is, and special we are in Him, and as Him! The point that Paul is making in this verse is one of association; in that we as the church are much like the wife is to her husband, just as the husband is as Christ is to the church. There is something special that happens when a man and a woman are joined together as one in marriage; although, much of that has been lost to previous relationships in modern times, and the beauty of what love is meant to be has been lost in wild flings and shattered experiences. For the man, his is one of being made complete; as in, having been been joined onto that which is of himself. I know that might sound strange to some, but the truth is, that there is a part of the man that was severed to make the woman; thus, the joining together of the two creates the one. It is this union that makes the man's obligation to the woman, one of loving her as himself, because she is of the man; strange as that might sound. Yet for the woman, she is captivated by the love of the husband, and thus her love is one of reverence, as one that has been joined to that from which she taken from. I know it might sound a little strange, but the union of a man and a woman is ordained by God for this reason. In like fashion, our union with Christ is much the same; whereby, His love for us is one of love for Himself, because we were severed from Him due to sin. And our love for Him is one of reverence, being joined to that from which we came. It is not that hard to understand if we can get past the idea of what it means to become One, and how Christ is the head of the church. I can imagine it; I just can't explain it well enough to share it in words. Nevertheless, we must know that the union which shall take place between the Lamb and His bride will be one of Love. And we will adore Him!!!

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