Sunday, January 1, 2012

"A Brand New Day"

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." (Psalms 1:1) If you are into New Years Day resolutions, then you might as well make it count for something important. Here in this verse of the Psalms, we have something that is easy to get a grip on, and which I believe aliens well with Paul's letter of Ephesians. If you are familiar with the message that Paul's letter brings forth, then you should know that it is two fold, with an emphasis on our position in Christ, and then to that of our spiritual life, including that of warfare. In regards to our position in Christ, his general premise is one of being seated in Christ, first and foremost; then we are able to walk, and then stand in Christ; but always by remaining seated in Christ! What the writer of Psalms One is putting forth has to do with all three of these positions: walking, standing, and sitting. It is not just a coincidence that they are listed in this manner, because to be driven by the cares of this world, we start by walking. It's not just the opposite of sit, walk, stand; it is more of an entrapment, whereby we walk in the wrong ways; then soon we are standing in and alongside that which is wicked; and then finally, we find ourselves sitting in it, clear up to our elbows! But it starts out by walking in the wrong direction! That is the thing about being seated in Christ: as long as we stay seated in Christ, we are never going in the wrong direction!!! So then, how do we step out from being seated in Christ to be headed in the wrong direction? By believing the lie! The Psalmist puts it like "walking in the counsel of the ungodly"; which for those that do not know, this is where it always starts. It started here with Eve in the garden, and it will start here with us every time we fall. The lie says that it is okay, it won't kill you; you can do this or that without harming your relationship with God; He will still love you. But what the lie does not tell you, is that you will not want to fellowship with God the same way afterwards, because of your shame. And soon enough, your shame will drive you to trying to become comfortable, which will lead to standing in the way of sinners; which actually means a way of life. The reason that this becomes a way of life, is because this is where you find comfort and temporary satisfaction. And then finally, you have made a dwelling place that is hidden from God! We know of course that we cannot hide from God, but we think that we can, once our fellowship with Him has been hindered. But it does not stop there, because the place that we end up dwelling in, is "the seat of the scornful"; which means scoffer, or mocker. It is here where we will not only be out of fellowship with God, but where we will be a mocker of that which is right, and meditate upon that which is unholy. Okay then; so you want to start things out Right??? Then get seated in Christ, first and foremost; which will require a complete surrender unto Him. And then do what is needed to avoid listening to the lie, and meditate upon His word, both day and night!!! "But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in His law doth he meditate day and night." (Psalms 1:2)

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