Monday, January 9, 2012

"Lost In Sin" -3

So maybe by now you might be at odds with the title verses the message; and if you are, I can't say that I blame you. But really, the greatest sin which can take hold of a man or woman, being that which involves power, is also the easiest one to show what it means to be "lost in sin". How so? you may be wondering. It is as though a very thick barrier has been put up over the eyes of those that are in power; whereby, no matter how obvious it is to those that see the sin that they commit, they themselves are totally blind to it. To them, they are so lost in their sin, that they believe they are the ones that are right and working good. This goes beyond the point of doing that which is wrong, because they have convinced themselves that they are right. The Apostle Paul knew of this power first hand, as he referred to himself as "the chiefest of sinners" for having taken so many Christians to jail and to their death. Listening to Rush Limbaugh the other day, I heard him speak about the images you get when you google certain topics or words; such as the word evil, when googled will bring up the image of Hitler. However, in the mind of Hitler and those that were his followers, he was a man of purpose; a visionary with the intention to make the world a better place by helping the evolution of the human race. His primary goal was one of eliminating all those that were inferior and considered to be a strain upon humanity; to produce a superior human being, thereby helping the evolutionary process. But like any such plan would be taken, his took on a life of it's own, whereby leading to the elimination of races of people, primarily the Jews. Oddly enough, there was such a plan underfoot within this very country of the United States around that same time, which you will not read about in school text books. But that plan was quickly put to rest, after seeing the genocide which was taking place in Europe. Although; currently in this country, as well as many others, there is the practice of abortion; accepted by many as nothing more than removing unwanted tissue from a woman's body. And yet, those that know different, and attest to the violence committed against the helpless unborn, are raged at, as if they are intruding upon the privacy of a woman's right of choice. It's rather odd, don't you think? Shouldn't a google search of what evil is bring up the image of a dismembered fetus? After all, Hitler is no more, but the killing of innocent children continues in this present time! Power is also determined by what is in our care, as in those who we have the power over; to love them, or to destroy them. God's wrath regarding sin, and the sins of mankind, was answered by an act of love; whereby He placed His Son upon the cross, thereby driving a fierce wedge between those that are saved and those that are lost in sin... "Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in sore displeasure. Yet have I set My King upon My holy hill of Zion." (Psalms 2:5 & 6)

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