Thursday, January 26, 2012

"The Blessed" -2

By now you should have gathered that I am moving through the Book of Psalms verse by verse. This is something that I felt God was telling me to do towards the end of last year; although I was not quite sure where He wanted me to start until I actually started praying about it on the first morning of the New Year; thus the title being "A Brand New Day". The very first Psalm begins with the word "Blessed", and then goes on to show the difference between those that are blessed and those that are ungodly. Although it is not certain who the author of Psalms One was, it very well could have been written by David; however, I tend to believe that it might have been written by Ezra, as he was probably the one who collected the Psalms of David to form them into a book; and if so, then there is a very good reason that it was listed first, for it shows the absolute necessity to walk in the counsel of God and not in the that of the world. The second Psalm, although not titled as a Psalm of David, is shown to have been written by him in the Book of Acts, and is solely a picture of Jesus Christ and His coming in the form of a servant as the Son. The next five Psalms are all shown to have been written by David, with each one escalating upwards towards the next Psalm that is attributed to Jesus, which shows His glory and the position that He has been given from the beginning of time; that is Psalms Eight, which is was also written by David. As we continue through these next four Psalms, take care to notice that there is a general theme, much like this last one that we have just gone through; that no matter what the circumstances are that we might be facing, God is in control and will bless them that put their trust in Him. This is very essential to the joy of who we are in Christ; not because we just trust Him, although that is very important; but because we are His children, and as His child, He is watching over us, which gives us the comfort in knowing that He loves us, and therefore we can trust in Him, no matter what circumstance we might find ourselves in. This is really what it means to be Blessed; although the trial that we face might seem like a curse, we are blessed in that we are His child; which means that the curse is going to be turned into a blessing for us and all that are looking onto whatever we are going through. It was that way for His Son, as it is for all His children...

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