Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"Lost In Self"

"Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous." (Psalms 1:5) Let's put this in a little better perspective, and look again at Adam and Eve; asking, what was it that they did after they sinned against God? Anybody...? They hid themselves from God! The word "stand" that is used here is a word that means 'arise'; which speaks of several different things, like, to come on the scene. In other words, it is a word that can represent validity; or, to raise oneself. If we know what we are in Christ, then we are able to rise up and stand as one that has been made complete in Him; therefore, we will be able to stand in the judgement as one who has been made righteous. And then we have the "sinners"; these are those that also do not stand; which is meant to say, "nor do the sinners stand in the congregation of the righteous"; which for a lack of a better definition, are those that blame. You might have heard this term before, they call it "The Blame Game". This was also demonstrated in the Garden by Adam and Eve, as Adam blamed his sin on the woman that God gave him, and Eve blamed her sin on the serpent that beguiled her. This is a fault that brings many to the point of denial, in which they do not get a proper washing from their sins, because they have not exposed all of their own dirtiness; but instead have blamed others or something else for the trespass that they have committed. Yes, I said something else; as in an illness or an addiction; or even that God made them the way that they are! I firmly believe that this is a tool of the devil, because he uses our weaknesses against us, and blaming is a weakness that we have right out of the womb. I did not want to go here, and even said yesterday that I would not; but I feel that God is speaking to me otherwise, and so I must! Because there are many today, and I am speaking of Christians, that have bought into the lie that they are trapped in their sin, as if that is what they have become or are; as if they were born that way, or that it is caused by their upbringing, or that it is in their genes. Sin is sin; that is all there is to it! And if you think that you are what you are because of someone or something else, then you will continue to be trapped in your sin. There is only One Way to be released from the power of sin, and that is by confessing it as your sin, and then accepting the completed washing that comes through Jesus Christ. There is no twelve steps that lead to us redemption; there is but One; which is to step up to the cross and lay your burdens down!!! I know that I will receive some alternative (no pun intended) answers on these statements, because so many have bought into this theory of 'once a sinner always a sinner'; but the truth of the matter is, that Jesus can make us whole: PERIOD!!! To be set free, free indeed, means that there is no baggage that is brought along with you; it has all been left at the cross! Yes, I agree that there might be some things that we cannot change; but there is nothing that can not be changed in Christ; absolutely nothing!!! Therefore, by accepting those things which can not be changed, we leave ourselves open for defeat, and dependent upon whatever program or roller coaster that we are riding in. To which, I must add that there is only One Higher Power that is able to deliver us from our sin, which includes those things which we may be addicted to, and that is Jesus Christ our LORD. But we must want to be delivered from it; and when I say delivered, I mean set free from it; which means that it no longer has a hold upon our lives. And yet there are those that will use Paul as an example of things which can not be changed; for Paul had an affliction of some sort, which he had prayed earnestly to be delivered from, yet was not. I do not accept this as an answer; for Paul's affliction was a physical condition, such as watery eyes, or something of the sort; his was not an addiction to sin! Even though, there are those that would place physical ailments and addictions in the same category. We are born in sin, not born to sin! We are meant to be set free from our sins; which is why Jesus died on that cross for the sins of the world; meaning every one's sin, not just a few or for some, but for all that would come to the cross and be set free! But you have to want it!!! I have no sin that I do not like...

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