Saturday, January 21, 2012

"The Answer"

"I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and He heard me out of His holy hill. Selah." (Psalms 3:4) Yes it is true that God hears our hearts, but sometimes we need to lift up our voice and cry out to Him. Oh, I can so relate to this!!! Even after feeling security in Him like never before, once I came home from that hospital at about 1am, and after leaving my wife there all hooked up to tubes and wires, I could do nothing else but fall on my knees and cry out to God, Why??? We are not talking about a little whimper; we are talking about a cry that was so fierce, that I felt as though my insides were coming out of my mouth, specifically my heart. This was the kind of cry that makes you shiver as though you are being electrocuted, and you cannot control your bodily functions. But after that; after crying out to God with all that I had within me, I felt such a peace come over me; something which I had never felt before. It was as if God had reached down and taken my broken heart out and replaced it with His own; making me feel as though the eternity of time was now so real, that this was not the end, but the beginning of a brand new day; as crazy as that might sound. This is what I believe was happening with David; who having been surrounded in the Fortress of God, yet He felt compelled to cry out for deliverance from that which was happening in his life. And you know what happened? God answered!!! We can see this same thing happening with Jesus as He was hanging on the cross. Assured of what was going to happen, to such an extent, that He told the thief hanging next to Him, "Today, you will be with Me in paradise"; yet, moments later He cries out, "My God, My God, Why hath Thou forsaken Me?" And again we have the "Selah" given at the end of verse four; the pause between thought, or between two worlds; however you wish to view it. For David, I believe it was a sigh of relief that God had heard his cry, and that it was going to be a brand new day. For Jesus, it would have been His final words, "It Is Finished!"... A New Day Is Coming!!!

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