Sunday, January 22, 2012

"The New Day"

"I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me." (Psalms 3:5) As you might have gathered by now, I have felt compelled to share a little bit of my own experience from the time in my life when my life was radically changed. It was not a subtle change, which most people are graced to roll into; but it was a dramatic change which took place within a matter of hours. My ambitions, my goals, desires in life, all changed in a moments time; without me having to make much of decision about it; I barely had time to react! You may have a Title for this Psalm in your Bible, and if you do, it is "A Morning Prayer". I am under the impression by what I am reading about David, and by the words and meaning of this song which expresses a very dramatic day in his life, that his life also took on a whole new meaning, within just a matter of hours. I can remember crawling into bed sometime after 2am, holding my wife's pillow in my arms, and falling fast to sleep. My opportunity clock went off a 4am, as it always does, and I felt refreshed and anxious to begin the day; knowing full well that my life had changed, yet feeling as though it was all just a dream. I remember going into my office and knelling down to pray, only to stop within ten minutes and call the hospital for my wife's status. Relieved to hear that she was still with us, but saddened to hear that she had not changed, I continued to pray, but for only a short while; because I felt I needed to get down there to the hospital to cover my wife with prayer and God's word. Strange as it was, I did not feel defeated, or even as though I was at war; but for some strange reason I felt that I had a new purpose; something that I had lacked prior to this day. My purpose was to be dedicated to my wife, and to cover her with the washing of the Word of God! I believe David also was taken to a place very similar, in that he was given a whole new outlook on being king, and to govern with a heart of gratitude and purpose, by leading God's people based upon the promises of God's mercy that are available to those that put their trust in Him. The word which David uses, that is written as "sustained", is a word that talks about being refreshed and revived. It also speaks to being upheld and supported. But the meaning that really caught my attention, is that of being established, because this is what I mean by the new purpose that I felt I had received. To be perfectly honest, prior to that day, I was only trying to be a good husband to my wife; but I was not dedicated to her in a way that would make her reverence my love for her. This is what I think David saw within himself and in the way that he had governed God's people, as he witnessed them turn on him to follow after his rebellious son. Thus the meaning of the title "A Morning Prayer", because as he says within another Psalm, that God makes all things new every morning! Oh ya; I almost forgot to mention Jesus: "I laid Me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained ME!"...Selah!!!

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