Friday, January 6, 2012

"The Plan"

To put things in the proper perspective, I thought it would be a good idea to go back over the three ungodly versions of those that call themselves Christians, before moving on into Psalms Two. Just in case you missed the point, they went from bad to worst; worst being unquestionably ungodly; but the second was questionable; and yet the first doubted themselves. That would mean to say that the first, which I referred to as 'Shame', left some room to be categorized as ungodly, because they had asked forgiveness for their sins, it's just that they had not yet received the fact that they are justified in Christ; thereby still feeling the guilt of their sin, and not freely in fellowship with God. The second group, to which I referred to as 'Blame', there is room to question the validity of there salvation, because there is sin which they have not confessed, believing it not to be a fault of their own; therefore there is the question that they may still be considered ungodly because they are holding onto sin that they should be getting rid of. And then the third; well this group is just 'Lame', making their ungodliness unquestionable, because they really do nothing but cripple the church, having only their own self interest involved with the reason that they even attend church. In a certain way, Psalms One and Two almost blend together; whereby the first one shows the failure of man and how he might have joy by being lifted above that failure, and the second shows God's redemptive plan, regardless of man's failure; thus illustrating the way that man is lifted up from his failure. I have been thinking of something over these last three days of postings, and it has to do with Lot, and how he was treated by the people of Sodom when he spoke out against their evilness. These surely are the last days that we are living in, of that I have no doubt. Times when men call evil good, and good evil. And yet the church, which is meant to be a beacon on a hill, has taken on much of what the world has become. In so doing, it is extremely difficult to call the world out for the evil that they do, when it is so hard to tell us apart...

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