Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"The Consequence"

"LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise up against me." (Psalms 3:1) Consequence is a word that means a result; an effect that is the result of an act or a cause. We don't have to be a genius to see that this happens within our own lives, although, I am sure that some are ignorant to the carnage that they leave in their wakes. In this first verse of Psalms 3, we see a man that is distraught and bewildered by the consequence of his sin. I don't think that David ever really thought that it would get as bad as it was getting. His son Absalom was out to kill him, many in his army had turned on him, his people that once praised him as King were now spitting on all his likenesses; and to make the words of Nathan ring loud and clear, Absalom had taken David's wives to a building top in the middle of the city, the city of David, and was having them as his own, for all to see! He was done!!! Yet, there was still a part of him that held in there; holding onto the God that he believed in, as the One who was in control. We can see this in his opening word, "LORD": Jehovah; "The Existing One"; The Supreme God. There is something that you must know about David, and it was that his faith in God was so strong, that it sometimes made him blind to the perceived reality of many situations; although the one which he was currently in had a little different angle, because this one was his fault! He still had to wonder with amazement, how it was that so many which called him their King, were now cheering for his son to take his life. Yesterday, my heart was broken; not quite as bad as the day before, that was amazing! But, it was still broken, none the less. I was thinking about the consequence of sin, and how it was that Jesus suffered for ours. He had done nothing wrong to deserve the treatment that was rendered unto Him; the scourging, the public humiliation; His very own people cheering for His death, as they cried out "Crucify Him!" And yet many of these same had previously praised Him; been healed, touched or moved in some manner by His very presence; and just like that, they are now spitting out at Him, as if He were the reason for all the suffering in their lives. Isn't strange how man is so vengeful against the helpless! Jesus did not fight back; nor did David! David knew that the current position that he was in was his fault, and that it must run it's course; however, Jesus was determined to take this that He suffered upon Himself in our place!!! It was for our faults that He took the blame and the consequence of sin; and He did it willingly, all the way to the very end!

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