Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Due Diligence"

"Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling." (Psalms 2:11) This part of the decree is a Two-Edge Sword!!! To those that are God's children, this is a statement of peace and security; but to those that are not, this is a yoke of bondage. "Let us break Their bands asunder, and cast away Their cords from us", which is spoken in verse two, and is referring to the bands of a yoke, as in mundane daily living, and the cords refer to interwoven foliage, which is complexity of life and living. God, speaking to Job in Job 39:5-8, gives an illustration of this breaking of bands, and what that might look like: "Who hath sent out the wild ass free? Or who hath loosed the bands of the wild ass? Whose house I have made the wilderness, and the barren land his dwellings. He scorneth the multitude of the city, neither regardeth he the crying of the driver. The range of the mountains is his pasture, and he searcheth after every green thing." With regards to those that are heads of state, this a decree of accountability to the seat in which they have been placed, in that they do not regard just themselves by seeking only to fulfil their own desires, unlike the wild ass, whose only quest is for something green to eat. To the common man, this is primarily given to those that call themselves His servants, in that they are driven by His daily provisions for that which sustains them. Psalms 34:11 says, "Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord"; and is spoken after such memorized sayings as: "Taste and see that the Lord is good" and "for there is no want in them that fear Him". However, for those that are in power, and that do not serve Him, there is a constant hunger for more of what they do not possess, which is ultimate power. It is this quest for ultimate power that drives them to fear; yet they do not realize that it is fear that they are driven by; but they question everyone that surrounds them, as to their loyalty and service. It is as if everyone around them is a mirror unto themselves, with the same quest for power that drives their every moment. Contrast this to those that actually do serve Him in fear; for in them, there is no want which drives them, but they are content with that which they have been given, and living up to His expectations. The word "fear" that is used in Psalms 2:11 is easy enough to understand, for it means reverence to those that do serve Him, and actual fear for those that serve themselves. But it is the word "rejoice" that can throw us for a loop; for it is a word which also cuts both ways, in that it means exult and be glad; but it also means trembling, as in fear. The idea being, that those who serve themselves are always in fear of loosing that of which they have; therefore, they are always deceived by their own desires and quest for more power. It is as though their quest for more power has blinded them to the fact that they are but a man; yet those that serve the Lord, have not lost sight of their position and who it is that has placed them there. Even so; with the common man who places his trust in the Lord; knowing full well that he is but dust, and that it is God who gives him life...

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