Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"God's Anointed" -2

Anyways, if you see the point I was trying to make, without the part about myself, then you can see that God's plan involves far more than we can see, or even begin to imagine. His is a perfect plan, which we cannot conceive within our little finite minds; although we might try, we fall short of the understanding required to figure it out. But in case you were having issues with my definition on the "begotten" used in the context of Psalms 2:7, let me 'assist' you in your understanding. The Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary describes this meaning as to act as a midwife; in that of assisting to bring forth, or to cause to bring forth, or bare. Without getting all Calvinistic on you, let me just say that there is a predestination effect that is taking place, or that has taken place; such is the case in the birth of Christ, in the raising of Lazarus, in the fiery furnace, and even in my own life. In the beginning of verse seven, there is the statement, "I will declare a decree", which is the establishment of that which is to happen. In the case of Lazarus, Jesus knew full well what was going to happen before even setting out to go and assist His sick friend. In the case of the fiery furnace, the decree was set in motion by the words of Nebuchadnezzar, when he said, "Who is the God that shall deliver you from my hand?" And in my own life, mine was answering the call!!! God already knew full well that I would answer, I just needed to heed and obey the call that was given out. Therefore, in effect, the call was an assisting to my coming forth as a new creation in Christ. This is the mystery of what predestination is all about. Don't try to figure it out, because in so doing, you will only go in circles within your mind, and end up more confused than when you started. But with God, it is like clockwork; even though He does not use one...

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