Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Stuck On Stupid"

"O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn My glory into shame? How long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? Selah." (Psalms 4:2) The second question, although still directed towards the "sons of men", could also be asked of anyone else; whether in ministry or in the world; anyone that is following after idols, or believing a lie; anyone that is stuck on stupid! This question has two parts, which are connected by a simple common thread: self! This part really grabbed me by the core of my very existence; and when I say existence, I mean the sole reason that I am here! If you viewed that video "Man or Muppet" that I mentioned yesterday, then you will better understand what it is that I am talking about, and that it has to do with purpose: What is my purpose? Is it to live, drink, and be merry; for tomorrow I die? which is what the world would what us to believe; or is it that I have been chosen for something special; something for which is my purpose, and that is meant specifically for me to do? Rich; your not going to get weird again, are you? Yes, I think I shall! Because, let me tell you the problem that I see. When we are focused upon ourselves, we face several different problems, the most influential one being that of our inadequacies; which will make us settle for something less than what God has intended for our lives. As the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me". The general idea of what Paul is saying, is that through Christ we have the power to do so much more then we could ever do on our own; that it is the power of God that takes us to capabilities, of which can never even imagine. The other problem is that of our imagination, whereas we imagine ourselves doing something, of which we are feeble, so therefore we don't even try: why??? Because we see our inadequacies and figure that it is something for which we are not capable or worthy to be doing! We can see example upon example of this throughout the Bible; from the weakest to the strongest; all of which, at one point in their lives had looked upon themselves for strength to do something which they know God is calling them to do, yet forgetting about the power of the One who is calling them to do it! The word "vanity" that is used in this second question, is a word that means vain, emptiness; no purpose. Therefore, the question that is being asked, could very well be interpreted: "How long will you be happy just settling for nothing?" And then, in the context of that question, the next part of the question, "and seek after leasing"; where the word 'leasing' means a lie, untruth, falsehood, or a deceptive thing; would then basically be saying, "And seek out an excuse for why you are not capable of doing what it is that I have asked you to do". Having said that, let me say, that I believe sometimes we need a little push to get us out of the boat; something that is not intended for everyone, or every situation; but is something that God will do to those that He knows can swim! I am not really changing the subject, but more the direction; there is a difference between being stupid and being stubborn; therefore, I believe the push is something that God will do for those that would otherwise be willing and able, but refuse to do what God has asked, based upon a contentious heart. A good example of what I am talking about would be that of Jonah, and how God pushed him to do something that He wanted him to do. But Jonah did not do what God had asked, not because he felt inadequate, but he felt those that he was to minister to were not worthy of God's words. God could have asked someone else to go and speak to Nineveh, but He choose Jonah; therefore, it was not up for discussion! So; this is how I think I see it: if we are His child, and we are stuck on stupid because we are ignorant, then He will not push us, because we will not know how to swim; but on the other hand, if we are stuck on stupid out of rebellion, then He will push us, to get us off of our stupid spot! With that; my question is: If you are not doing what you know God has intended for you to do, then which one are you? Watch out, because the push is life changing!!!

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