Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Rest Assured"

"But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for Himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto Him." (Psalms 4:3) As if things couldn't get much clearer than this! Looking at this in contrast to what was asked in the previous verse, here we have an answer given by David, which is the reason we must stop whatever it is that we are doing that is stopping us from a complete surrender unto God. "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the LORD." You know the verse, but do you know the reason? We are called to be separate because we have been set apart! In other words; He has set us apart already; we that are called and have responded to His calling, are already set apart for His workmanship; therefore, it is now our duty to live out that which He has already done! What this means for those that turn His glory into shame, is that they must stop pretending, and start living as one who has been set apart for His kingdom! And for those that refuse to move, either due to uncertainty or just plain stubbornness, must forget about themselves, and step out in His strength and in His direction for their life! To put this another way; the word "godly" is a word that means 'the faithful ones'; which is not based upon our ability to complete a task that we have been given, but is based upon our ability to obey in His direction! He will complete whatever it is that He has called us to do; we just need to move in that direction!!! And, the primary action required for us, is to come out from among the ordinary, so that He can make us extraordinary; of this, we can rest assured!!! And, just in case there is any doubt as to what shall happen, we are assured that He will hear us when we call out for help along the way! Now, about that thing I said the other day, with regards to what we perceive to be the truth, which may actually be a lie. There comes a time in our lives as a believer, when we are faced with a decision; something that becomes a crossroad in our walk with the Lord. On the one hand we have a road that is set before us in which we can see ourselves moving in a certain direction; a direction that looks comfortable, and is one that we can envision ourselves performing in and are at ease in; thinking also that this path will bring us closer to God, as we serve Him in this direction; when in reality, that path will move us further away from Him, and our dependence upon Him for our strength. Again, this path is based upon self, and is something which is drawing us into it based upon our abilities and not His; which means, we are looking at our own strength and saying, I can see myself doing that. Don't be fooled by feeling good about something that you can do! Because, for God to get the glory in anything that we do, it must be something which is beyond our ability and strength (I am talking about the direction, not about a task!!!). Do we want to trust God in the directions of our life? Then maybe that path which looks impossible is the path that we must take! Otherwise, we settle for something far less than that which God had intended for us... (Remember what I said Friday about what we would see as we moved through this Psalm: It would be about security that we have in God; it is not in ourselves!!!)

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