Thursday, February 23, 2012

"The Flesh Cries Out"

"Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O Lord, heal me; for my bones are vexed." (Psalms 6:2) We always seem to look for the easiest answer to correct our situations; and in this day and age, much of our healings come in the form of a pill. But this condition which David is speaking about here, is something for which there is no earthly cure; however, it is something that is felt within the body, and because that it is, I am sure that someone has either tried to make a pill for it, or has wanted one! As David describes the condition of his pain, he says, "my bones are vexed"; what this is, is the description of the substance of all that he is, being troubled or dismayed. Primarily, the reason for this condition, is the fact that there is nothing he can do physically to correct this condition; which in this case would be prayer, worship, fasting, or any other such thing that would usually do the trick. The only thing left for the physical body to do, is to cry out for mercy, and then wait upon the LORD to answer; although, the answer is usually not the one that we were looking for, or wanted to hear! Basically, this is the point of being at the end of one's self, where answers and solutions are nonexistent; where the only thing left to do, that can even be considered, is to just lay everything before the LORD, and then surrender all control to Him! However, this is something that naturally we are not able to do on our own, because our natural tendency is to assist God in our healing process. Okay; you might need me to give an example of what I am talking about; right? Well; we could relate this to that of a person who is drowning; whereas, the lifeguard will wait for that person to actually drown, before attempting to rescue them; this they will do, because of the feeble attempts that the downing person will do, in order to try and save themselves, could actually cause harm to the lifeguard in his attempt to grab hold of the person who is drowning, and is throwing his arms and legs in all sorts of directions. In other words; we must learn how to drown!!! And in so doing, we are placing all of the work in God saving us, and healing us, in the hands of the One who shall pull us to safety. Again, we must remember that this is a spiritual battle, and as such, it is only something that can be won by the Holy Spirit; and He will wait for us to quit flopping our arms up and down, in an effort to save ourselves; at which time, He will then be able to do what it is that He must do! "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, sayeth the LORD of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6b) It is by the power of God's Spirit that strongholds shall be brought down; and it is only by our acceptance of this fact, that we will be able to release control of such things into His hands! This is the part that makes us give up control: because the word "stronghold", means, anything on which one relies; of the arguments and reasoning by which a disputant endeavours to fortify his opinion and defend against his opponent...

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