Tuesday, February 14, 2012


"But as for me, I will come into Thy house in the multitude of Thy mercy: and in Thy fear will I worship toward Thy holy temple." (Psalms 5:7) Yes, I titled this after a Jars Of Clay song; just in case you were wondering. As I was thinking of this mornings post on this verse, as I drove around yesterday, I had their new CD in, and this song seemed to fit nicely with the message. I have waited a whole week for this day, and now it is here, and I feel nervous and excited all in one!!! Desperation and Thanksgiving; both of these very sincere attributes, all rolled up into one heart-felt praise unto God!!! Okay, maybe I am getting ahead of myself. Here is the thing that is going on inside of David: David knows in his heart of hearts that God is All Powerful, All Knowing, and The Creator of his very life; therefore, he realizes that God knows every fiber of his being; He knows his heart, and the intentions of his heart; He knows his thoughts, and the dreams in which he dreams; He knows the words that he is going to speak, before they are even formed upon his lips; therefore, there is no fooling God! We might fool ourselves, and even fool others; but there is no fooling God!!! Okay; let's begin by looking at "Thy house", in which David says, "I will come into Thy house". This could mean temple, but that is not what I see David is saying; because in the end of this verse, he says, "I worship toward Thy holy temple"; this means 'abode', or 'dwelling place'; which speaks about the very presence of God's Creative Spirit. The significance of what this means, is that of 'being undone before God', as he opens his heart wide-open before the God which created and knows his very life. The second part of this "house" which David is speaking of, is "in the multitude of Thy mercy", which is where the Thanksgiving comes into play; because of the fact that God knows all there is to know about him, he is so thankful for the fact that God is a God of Mercy! The desperation part comes into play as David proclaims "Thy fear", as he says, "and in Thy fear will I worship toward Thy holy temple". This is what I was speaking of when I said that there is a fine line between what we are and what we are not! That fine line is based upon which way that we look!!! This is what Paul was saying by examining ourselves, as to whether we be in the faith; whereas, the faith is in knowing what we are, and what we are not in Christ! The word "fear" that David is speaking of, is that of a holy reverence; which is also portrayed as "fear and trembling". This is a fear that is generated by knowing that God knows our very thoughts; and in that, we know that we are not able to hide anything from His sight; therefore, we beg for mercy, as we enter into His very presence, being thankful that He is a God that has mercy upon us! What we are talking about here is the beginning of receiving God's protection, which is based upon a heart that is surrendered to His mercy; knowing full well that we are not worthy of that mercy, we come before Him as His child, and with fear and trembling, we submit are lives to that mercy! Now then; as to our relationship with Jesus Christ, and as to being in the faith: the mercy that we have received is based upon the finished work which Christ performed upon the cross! David was looking forward unto the cross; we on the other hand, are looking back to the cross; either way, the mercy of God is realized at the cross of Christ, where we have been made worthy to enter into His presence with Thanksgiving; yet knowing full well, that it is not by our worthiness to enter in, but it is by that of His Son Jesus Christ! Oh, that we could just remain desperate and thankful every waking moment of our days!!!

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