Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"The Language of Prayer"

Before beginning Psalms Five, or better yet, as we begin it, there is an interesting thing that is only found here within this Psalm, which is the word "Nehiloth". If you remember back to the start of Psalms Four, I spoke about the introduction which says, "To the chief Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm of David", and how the word Neginoth meant stringed instrument, music, or song. Well, here we have another introduction: "To the chief Musician upon Nehiloth, A Psalm of David". What's different about this introduction is that the word "Nehiloth" is a word that no one knows the meaning of; that is, except for David and God! Looking at the meaning in Strongs, it simply says, "Meaning uncertain; but that it might mean the name of a melody, or a musical instrument". Well, I have an idea for what the meaning might be, and it has to do with the language of prayer; something which we commonly refer to as, Prayer Language! If you have a title for this Psalm in your Bible, then you will notice that the title is, A Prayer For Protection. As a son of the King, there is something which comes with that position, and it is called opposition by those who are the enemies of the King! One enemy in particular is the devil, who will stop at nothing to try and get us to fail; Epic ... Fail, as my niece Laura would say. He especially likes waiting for our confidence in ourselves to be strengthened, so as to devour us, as we have wondered outside of the fold. This language of prayer that we are talking about here, is the type of prayer which is ushered up to God from a heart of desperation and thanksgiving, in one. If you might be thinking that those two words do not go together in the same direction, they do, and I will prove it to you! Again, let me remind you of what I said earlier about these five Psalms which lead up to Psalms Eight: they ascend upward, and they get more and more intense as they go!!! The general premise that I am getting from this escalation, is that of enlightenment on the part of the Believer, which coincides with the transformation of our Lord from that of the Servant Son in Psalms Two, to that of the Glorified Creator of the universe, that He is shown as in Psalms Eight. When we remove all of our deficiencies and inadequacies, what we are left with, is a glorified child of God!!! On a more personal note; something to really cause you to consider things that really matter, and important to life, is to attend the funeral of someone that you love; which is what I was able to do yesterday. To make this experience even greater, I had the honor to be asked to be a pall-bearer; and not just any pall-bearer, but I was the last one on the right side of the casket; which meant, that I was the last to push the casket into the Hearst, and into the locking position. The vision that I received, as I pushed the casket into the Hearst to be locked into place, is more than I can put into words! You really can get a sense for the things that really matter in this life, as you are placing what remains of a life, into the last form of transportation that their tent will receive in this world. Knowing full well that she was not actually in the casket, I still received a very vivid picture of what that tent is for, and that it is only a vessel to carry us through this world and onto the next. I pray that as we progress through these next three Psalms, that we will come to the realization of what it meant by, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil"... (Just a little side note that you should know; this prayer that I mentioned is mostly intended for me; as I consider this blog to be a "Living Journal" that is used to not only express what I am feeling the Lord is showing me, but to also express what the Lord is doing in me through the process: many things of which, words cannot express!!!)

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