Monday, February 6, 2012

"...At Peace With God"

I have determined that I am a millionaire, because I owe a million dollars in taxes; therefore, I am worth a million dollars, to someone! But guess what, I am worth a whole lot more to Someone else! I have been purchased with a mighty cost!!! Do you ever really think about that? The price that was paid for us to be given eternal life, and to be given riches beyond our imagination. You can pretend that this stuff you have here is worth something if you want to, but let me assure you of something very important; it is all vanity! Look at me, I have this or I have that; while some may even go as far as to think that the stuff they own gives them security; it is a burden to maintain it! Real peace is only found in Jesus Christ, because He maintains us!!! We are His treasure; His precious Bride, that He has prepared an eternal dwelling place for in heaven; there waiting for us, and for Him to come back any day and to take us there, to be with Him forever in glory! Do you believe that He is returning any day? Perhaps today!!! Are you ready??? Is there oil in your lamps? We have talked about this before, and whether or not the oil represents the Holy Spirit or not. It very well might, and most likely does; but regardless, it means being prepared for His return, and doing all that we can to be prepared; and if that means being filled with the Holy Spirit, then we should make every effort to make sure that is so!!! In the passage from Luke 11:9, where Jesus says, "Ask, and it shall be given; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened", there is a very good reason that He uses the analogy of food as He describes what the child will ask of his father; because by using food, it shows that what the child is asking for, is something that must be asked for continually. As a matter of fact, the real interpretation for the verse above, is to "Keep asking; Keep seeking; Keep knocking"; where it is our responsibility as His 'virgins' to be ready at His return. He has made us virgins; we are required to remain that, and to be equipped and ready at His return to take us home! With that, I will only add one last thing about all of our stuff: sometimes the stuff in our lives becomes nothing more than something which we hide behind, including our loved ones! And when they are taken from us, we are left standing exposed and unable to hide anymore. So, what are you hiding in? If it is Jesus Christ, then you will be unchanged by the loss of whatever is taken from you; however, if it is something else, then you are not safe from exposure!!! "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for Thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety." (Psalms 4:8) Yes, Selah...

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