Thursday, February 16, 2012

"...It's Complicated"

"For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue." (Psalms 5:9) Have you ever had one of those days when you feel lost and alone? How about feeling as though you are just speaking to yourself? I know; you most likely do not know what I am talking about; but this is no ordinary prayer, and it must be looked at as such! Imagine that you are trying to attack something that is part of who you are; and then consider the method by which you would use to do that. It would appear that David is speaking of his enemies in this verse, and it is very possible that he is. However; there is another consideration that can be made, and it has to do with realizing what True Worship of God is meant to be! For example; True worship is from the heart, not from the mouth; and each and every example that David is giving here, is of that which involves worship of the mouth, but the heart is not worshipping at all, but is actually just going through the motions and following the mouth. Okay; let me try and explain this a little better; however, I must warn you, it is a little complicated. The first thing that we must establish and agree upon, is that true worship of God begins in the heart; of that, I believe we can all agree. When we come before the LORD to pray, and we practice a routine prayer that we have memorized or that is routine wording which we just speak out, this is not to be considered as from the heart, but is more like pretending to do our part. To put this in a picture that can be visualized in our minds, we could imagine it like telling our spouse that we love them every time we are about to leave the house, because that is what we do; but, now consider what that saying would look like, if you knew that it might be the last time that you would see them. Does that help any? True worship of God is desperate to be as close to Him as we can be, in the moments that we are worshipping Him! Otherwise, we are just going through the motions of worship; which is just to satisfy ourselves that we have worshipped; but in reality, it was just empty words spoken to ourselves. David, on the other hand, knew how to worship God; as he had learned this out in the fields when he was a Shepherd. With that said; there is a difference between how David worshipped God, and how we are allowed to worship, and that difference is the Holy Spirit! David would have the Holy Spirit come upon him, we get to have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us! Now, why do you think that this is the case? Jesus Christ has made this possible, by the removal of sin from our life; that this vessel can now become a dwelling place for God, that He can take residence within us!!! Now, I would like to ask you; Do you worship Him in Spirit and in Truth? Jesus, while speaking to the woman at the well, said, "But the hour cometh, and now is, when true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him". (John 4:23) This Jesus said to the woman because she said that her fathers worshipped at this mountain, as to proclaim that there was a certain place to worship; but Jesus was speaking about not only the place of worship, but the attitude of worship, and that it would happen from within. In other words; it is not about where we worship, or even what we say in worship; but about a heart that is expecting God to hear us, because He is living inside of us! Then, He is always ready for worship, and so are we...

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