Wednesday, February 29, 2012


"Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity; for the LORD hath heard the voice of my weeping." (Psalms 6:8) Webster's definition of deportation is: The legal banishment of an alien; exile. Let's try and get this into our heads: if we really want to quit being taunted, then we must demand that we be left alone! We have every legal right to do exactly that; however, it must be done forcefully, and sincerely; sincerely, meaning that we mean business!!! That was always my mother's favorite thing to say when she really meant for us to do what we were told, or else, she would say, "If you think I am kidding, well I am not; I really mean business; so do what I say, or else!" Here is the thing about what I am saying, and it really is quite simple: if we really mean what we are saying, then we are going to do everything required to make this happen! We never have to worry about God doing His part, because He is more than willing to assist us in cleaning out our house; but hiding something away for later on will not work!!! In other words; if we really mean business, then we will banish everything that causes us to stumble from our lives! Okay, let me tell you what I think about the authority we give the enemy to continue, and how we must put an end to it. First off; I do not believe that the devil can read our minds; God can, but the devil cannot; but he can witness our actions. In other words; taking something that causes us to stumble, and putting it away in a secret place, will not count for giving it up! He will see that action and know that you are not serious about quiting! So, if we are serious about doing something, then we must first banish those idols from our lives; and then, and only then, will we have the real authority to cast away all those demons that are associated with that sin; otherwise, they will continue to taunt us with that idol! The word 'Depart' that David is speaking of means to turn aside, or depart; and it speaks about, to cause to turn aside, or to cause to depart: holding onto those things will not cause them to depart, because they are attached to those things! Wicked is, what wicked does!!! The 'workers of iniquity' are such; they ordain wickedness! If you read the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel, you will discover the difference in those that took down the 'High Places', those that held onto them, and those that stowed away the idols that were associated with them. It was only those, that not only took down the 'High Places' and destroyed the idols, that were serious about getting Israel back to holiness! If a king had destroyed the high places, yet had hidden away the idols, then one of his descendants would find those idols, and then reestablish the high places. We must be serious about doing business!

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