Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Expressed Amazement"

"Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation." (Psalms 5:1) So; if you thought anything that I said before was weird, then get ready for some really far-out words of weirdness! First off; I would like to bring your attention to the word "meditation" that is used by David here in this verse; for it is a word that only appears two times in the Hebrew writings: here within this verse, and then again in Psalms 39:3, which says, "My heart was hot within me, while I was 'musing' the fire burned: then spake I with my tongue". It is a word that means murmuring, and is much like the inner voice of the heart, of which, there are sometimes no words that can express what is being said. This is what having a "prayer language" is all about; for there are times when there are no words to express what we wish to say; therefore, the Spirit will make utterance for us, and no our behalf. To some, this might be what they would call "speaking in tongues"; so be it; however, what I believe that this represents is something a little more complex than speaking in an unknown language; but is more of the abbreviated version in words, of what is being said in the inner most part of our very soul; which in that case, we fully understand what is being said, we just didn't know how to say it! My point being this: that although the words may be eloquent and precise, they barely scratch the surface of what is actually being felt within our hearts; yet they are enough to verbalize with our mouths, that which is being felt; if that makes any sense whatsoever? In the context of what is being said here, by David saying, "Give ear to my words, O LORD", there could very well have been the word 'but' placed before "consider my meditation"; with the meaning being, "Let these few words which I express with my mouth, be acceptable, O LORD, as you consider the expressions of my heart". This line of thinking is reinforced by the the other verse which this word used for "meditation" appears within, whereas, David is describing the fire which is burning within his heart while meditating upon the LORD; while the words which he spoke forth, were just the smoke from that fire! The next verse within that Psalm, which is verse Four, says, "LORD, make me to know mine end and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am". There are just some things that cannot be expressed in words!!! (I really love this blog!)

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