Sunday, February 5, 2012


"Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased." (Psalms 4:7) You have to know, that there is no greater feeling then that which we feel in our hearts when we are walking in the Spirit of God! What makes the world glad is profits and the gain of riches; all of which is so easily taken away and turned into ashes. Thinking back to all the crashes in the Stock Market, and how many people that were successful in that system, and then ended up taking their own lives after losing their gains; how strongly they must have put their trust is something so temporary. What we are talking about here, is the gladness that is only achieved by being one with the One who made us! There is no other way to have the Joy of the LORD, then to be walking in harmony with Him as His obedient child! With that said, I am wondering what makes us miserable and weary? Is it that we have slipped away from walking with Him? or have we put more trust in something else that has let us down? There is another meaning to the beginning of the previous verse, and the words, "There be many that say, Who will shew us any good?"; and that meaning is that of worldliness! What I am saying, is that we have come to a place where we have looked for God to bless our livelihood upon this earth to such an extent, that we are taken more by the blessing, then we are by the One who has blessed us. What that actually means, is that our countenance is derived more from our blessing than it is from the Light of the LORD; so much so, that as soon as the blessings are threatened, then our countenance is fallen! Would you still praise Him if all you had was taken away? "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36) That is really what we are talking about here, is our soul!!! "Thou hast put gladness in my heart" means that there is rejoicing within our very soul; whereas our soul means 'the heart of man', which is what gives us determination or will; it is the seat of appetites!!! Do you understand what that means? It means that everything that we need has been satisfied by the joy that we have in the LORD! Nothing else matters; not the riches; not the blessing of this life; not even those that He has blessed us with; everything of this world has been placed in the category of temporary, and therefore is not what our joy is based upon! I love my wife; of that, there is no denying; but if the Lord were to take her home today, the joy that I have in the Lord would not change! I like the house that I have been given; yet if it were to burn to the ground today, I would not lose the joy which I have in the Lord! And, if they were to throw me in prison today, of which there is that possibility, I would still not lose my joy with the Lord!!! I have thought about this more than you can know; because I owe more than I am worth in taxes, I have given a lot of thought to being put in prison; and if it was not for the need that I have to care for my wife, I would gladly surrender my rights and go. Nothing can take away the Joy that I have in the LORD!!!

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