Monday, February 20, 2012

"Spiritual Warfare"

"A Prayer for Mercy In Time of Trouble", is the title of Psalms Six; Do I dare go on? Actually, I have no plan on stopping; but, is anyone going with me? I have chosen the title for today as "Spiritual Warfare", because I believe that this Psalm will be speaking to me the most about the tearing down of strongholds in our lives; well, at least it will be of my own. I knew by Saturday morning that it was going to involve the destruction of the flesh, but I did not know how that would look until the message given at church on Sunday. Pastor Gene was giving his last message to our church, and had asked God to lead him as such, saying, Lord, what should I say to your people in this last message before them? It was a powerful message about crucifying the flesh, once and for all!!! You know, I need to tell you something that you do not know about last week, especially Friday morning; I almost quit going forward in the Psalms that morning; and had it not been for the word 'Fortitude', I just might have been sharing about something else today. But I felt that God was leading into something really big; something that could change my life in a way that could actually make a difference. This is how God's word can make a difference in us, is by our letting It speak to us personally, and powerfully; adding to that, the power of the Holy Spirit, and you have the workings of something splendid to bring us into a whole new relationship with our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit! Therefore, I do not want to let up now, because I believe that God is doing something here, of that I am sure; and even to the point of looking foolish, I am prepared to go all the way! Not to change the subject or anything, but did you catch the Whitney Huston funeral on Saturday; it wreaked me, and I was in tears; that was some good stuff!!! I especially loved the Drudge Report headline, "The Nation Goes To Church", because that was precisely what took place for anyone watching that: the Gospel was preached!!! The Spirit of God is moving in a powerful way right now, throughout this whole world; it is like as if there is a "Last Call" being given out, to get ready! I strongly believe that that is the case; as a matter of fact, I had a different title for today's post, which was "Crucify That Flesh!"; however, I decided to save that one for verse Three! The reason I was going to have that title, is because of the meaning of "Trouble" in the title of the Psalm; it is a word that means vexed, as in disturbed or anxious; to make haste or hurry to get something done. And, the only way that we are going to be ready, is by fighting a spiritual battle with the help of the Holy Spirit! There is no other way to win this battle, then to surrender our lives fully to the Spirit of God; which means, to be completely filled with the Holy Spirit; to the brim, with a 'Splash-Out' kind of filling that can only come by complete surrender! What that means, my dear brothers and sisters, is that it is time to quit playing church, and it is time to start waging warfare; right now, while the iron is hot: We must strike, while the iron is hot! Now, if you are wondering where mercy comes into play in all of that; well, let's think about this for just a moment: to honestly surrender, means to deny one's self; to deny one's self, means to lay our life down; if you were to be a soldier on a battlefield, and you had just surrender to the enemy, what would you be looking for?

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