Saturday, February 11, 2012

"The Morning Prayer"

"For Thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with Thee." (Psalms 5:4) Oh, wait a minute, I thought that Psalms Three was titled "A Morning Prayer"? Why is the Title of today's post, "The Morning Prayer"??? Good question, because I was going to call it "Fortitude Begins", but then I thought of calling it simply "OH"; as in, "Oh, I did not know that". The first word that begins verse Four, is the word "For"; and for those of you that do not know this, "For" is pretty much the same as 'Because', 'And therefore'; or maybe even "OH" could be it's meaning; what you think? Have you ever had a moment when you feel God saying, 'Come and take a walk with Me, and let Me show you something'? Well, this is like one of those moments! What have we been talking about through these first three verses, is a type of prayer; not just any prayer, but one in which we are seeking God's protection. To get the point of what I am saying, we could think of this prayer as 'the building of a fortress'; one in which we must take shelter within, and that we will be protected by. Now then; let's say that this fortress that we are building, metaphorically, is only allowed to contain a certain type of person; in other words, to take refuge within this fortress that is being built, one must be holy! Wow, that sounds like a great responsibility; doesn't it? Yes; but remember, this is a fortress that you are building; or in actuality, you are asking to be built for you! Therefore; to put this in a way that might make better sense; let's just say, that we cannot begin to ask for God's protection, and not realize that He is a God that does not tolerate wickedness; nor, does He allow evil to dwell within Him. Which means, the fortress that we are having built around us, is one that is holy, because He is Holy! Now it comes to the point, where we are saying, Let me in!!! We know that there is a fortress, because we have established that He is our Fortress, and that we are crying out for His protection within it; however, there must be a heart willing to surrender to His Holiness, in order to get in!!! I know that I may have not illustrated the point very well; but try to imagine this as a mutual understanding between you and God; whereas, you are asking for God's protection upon your day, and He is saying, 'But you know that I am holy; right?' And with that; we set out to begin our day as holy; knowing that only holiness can dwell within Him, we walk accordingly, in the fear of stepping outside of the fortress that has been established in Him...

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