Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"The Rumbling"

"To the chief Musician on Neginoth upon Sheminith, A Psalm of David." Another introduction to a Psalm that has a word of mystery! If you recall, Psalms Four's introduction contained the word "Neginoth", which we learned meant music, song, or a stringed instrument. And then in Psalms Five, we had another word which was "Nehiloth", of which there was no known meaning; and, of which I determined that it meant 'Prayer Language', and was the Holy Spirit speaking through us. Here in this introduction in Psalms Six, we have the word "Neginoth" mentioned again, but then we have this word "Sheminith", which the definition of it says, perhaps a musical notation, like an octave; or perhaps an eight stringed musical instrument. Personally, I like the octave definition, because the Lexicon says, 'octave, in music a word denoting the lowest and gravest note sung by men's voices'. I would like to consider something about our soul; which is, does the soul know more about our conditional standing with God then the body does? Within each and everyone of us is a living soul; an eternal soul, which continues on living far after the body has expired. So, the question which I am asking, is to whether or not our soul, which is eternal, has a better grip on what is our true relationship with God, then does the body, or the flesh? And then; if that soul has a better understanding of that relationship, does it cry out for correction? In other words; having a soul living inside of this body, which is better equip to see the eternal things of God, and has better insight into what is required to be in the presence of God; would that soul be trying to cry out for things to be set in order? And if that soul were to be crying out, what would that sound like? Where am I going with this, you might be wondering? The Bible clearly says, that in the last days, there will be a rumbling in all of creation; something like birthing pains that are experienced during a pregnancy. If there is a rumbling in all of creation, wouldn't that also include our eternal soul? Yes; your most likely right: Here goes Rich again, on one of his far-out adventures. However; as I was praying about what God was showing me in this Psalm, and how Spiritual Warfare actually takes place, there was a distinct difference that I saw between the role of the flesh and that of our spirit, which is our soul. Within this realm of warfare, the spirit in us and the Holy Spirit are in complete agreement as to the strategy of the battle; it is the flesh which is in opposition as to what needs to be done. In other words, this war between the flesh and the spirit, is a war that involves us; the Holy Spirit is given to assist the spirit within us to win the battle; and the battle can only be won with His assistance! Sounds out there, I know; but I am just trying to explain what I believe that I have been shown. As far as our flesh goes, it must be crucified with Christ; which means, that the things of the flesh must be put to death, so that the spirit may come to life; and, along with the Holy Spirit, may have dominion over the flesh; once and for all...

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