Thursday, February 9, 2012


"Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto Thee will I pray." (Psalms 5:2) Now, just in case you might have been wondering, why , or if I was trying to focus on one particular type of prayer; what we really should be paying attention to, is the reason for this type of prayer; then maybe, just maybe, we can better understand why this certain type of prayer is so very important. Again, this is titled, "A Prayer For Protection"; which for a lack of a better way to describe it, this prayer is meant to acknowledge two very important things: one, is that we acknowledge our inability to deal with something within our own strength; and secondly, we are acknowledging that it is God who is able to deal with whatever we can not. In this, David asks God to hearken unto the voice of his cry for help; which is to say, 'Lord, I need Your help, because I cannot do this on my own; therefore, please answer my plea!' Furthermore; David acknowledges that it is God alone who is able to protect him, as he says, "for unto Thee will I pray"; thereby, there is a plea for God to intervene, by doing that which only God can do! We must never discount the power of prayer!!! Especially when we are up against the ropes, and are at the point of desperation! As we shall see, the enemies that set themselves against us come in all shapes and sizes; sometimes, even in the form of ourselves; which is another reason that it is so vitally important that we surrender to His power, so as to assure that what is opposing us is not our self. You might be wondering how it is that we could ever be opposing ourselves? Maybe the better question that we could ask is, When don't we? Can we say that we are not worthy, and yet think as though we are? Or, can we say that He has made us worthy, and then think that we are not? There is a fine line between what we are, and what we are not! On the one hand, we are set apart by Him, as the work of His hands; while on the other hand, we are evil minded, and driven by the lusts of our hearts. Knowing this, we are to be careful to walk a very fine line between that which God is doing in us, and what we do within ourselves. This is the dynamic of what freewill is all about: it is to have our will so closely in line with His will, as to ensure that we are never in opposition to ourselves, and thus, we are never in opposition to His will for us! We have enough enemies to deal with, why add ourselves to the list, when we don't have to? We can try and kid ourselves all that we want, but until we can get to that point where we realize how desperate we are for His intervention, in whatever it is that we are up against, we are not going to be protected from ourselves, let alone, someone else! This is what our prayer language is meant to do: to bring us to the point where we can speak out from the very depths of our soul, and to acknowledge how desperate we are for His intervention in our lives...

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