Thursday, March 1, 2012


"The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer." (Psalms 6:9) What a relief it is when your house is in order! No more skeletons in the closet; no more mischief hiding under the bed; everything equip for complete devotion to godliness and holiness! In the verse which we have before us today, is a continuation of the why, or for what reason of the exile that we looked at yesterday. The point of what we were looking at yesterday, was that those workers of iniquity had to depart, because the LORD had heard the voice of David's weeping! God can and does read our hearts, as well as our minds! He knows when we are serious, and He knows when we are pretending; there is no fooling God! But, here is the things that are pointed out in the verse above; there are two time periods that are present here: the past and future. In other words; there is the reference to "hath", as in, "The LORD hath heard my supplication"; and then there is the definitive "will", as in, "the LORD will receive my prayer". God hears our prayers always, yet He may not receive them! Who do we think that we are fooling!!! Don't you know that God knows the intentions of our heart? He knows what we are going to do, before we even know; that is why He is God!!! Sometimes we forget this very important characteristic of who God is, and that nothing can be hidden from His eyes; for God is ALL SEEING! Therefore; to truly have the legal right to banish those "workers of iniquity" from our lives, then God must receive our prayer as sincere, and they will be banished!!! "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4) This John is speaking about to those that are walking in the True Spirit of God, and are those that receive the testimony of Jesus Christ! In this we know that we are His children, when we love Him and we keep His commandments! It is Love that motivates our heart and our minds to follow His commands, and to separate ourselves from all that is unholy! He has manifested His love towards us in the form of His Son Jesus Christ; how must we manifest our love towards Him? "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment." (Matthew 22:37 & 38) These were the words of Jesus to those that tempted Him as to what was the greatest commandment. So, how is that love which Jesus is speaking about expressed to God? It is by our sincere desire to be holy, because He is Holy! We do this because we love Him, and because we want to be as close to Him as we can possibly be; and anything which is standing between us and Him, we want to be removed! In other words, we want it banished from our lives, so that we can be closer to Him...That is what Love does: it makes us want to be closer!!!

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