Monday, March 26, 2012

"God's Way!"

"Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast Thou ordained strength because of Thine enemies, that Thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." (Psalms 8:2) When we try to consider how it is that God does things, it is almost laughable at times; who says that God does not have a sense of humor? But there is one reason that He chooses to do it so: that He might receive the Glory! From the walls of Jericho, to every knee shall bow; from the fiery furnace, to being free of the bondage of sin; from the parting of the Red Sea, to the empty tomb; from stone gods that bow down before Him, to the Son of God lifted up before men; from the manna from heaven, to the Bread of Life; from a talking donkey, to fishers of men: God's ways always get results; and they always give Him glory! If we study the verse above carefully, we see something that is key to what is being said, which are the words, "because of Thine enemies". The reason that this is key, is because this is why God does the things He does, the way that He does them: that those that appose Him might be confounded. He astounds them with the way He uses the foolish things to confound the wise, and the weak things to confound the mighty. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:25, "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men". The other important part of this verse, is "that Thou mightest still the enemy, and the avenger"; because in this, God causes them to cease in their plans, by confounding them in their own devices. A good example of this would be that of the devil, and his plot to destroy man with sin; so what does God do? He takes sin out of the equation! He stomped all over the devil's plot, literally, by stomping on his head! It is out of the mouth of babes that God brings forth strength; which means that He uses the weak and the feeble to proclaim His victory. Another way to look at this, would be to examine how Jesus, in the form of a man, was able to die upon a cross and give life to a dying world. That God would use flesh and blood to destroy the powers of darkness, for all eternity! And when you really think about it, sin might have started here in the garden for man, but the devil is the father of it; for it was he that first convinced many other angels to rebel against God; and it was he, who in the form of a serpent, deceived Eve in the garden. Therefore; I have to wonder, what was God's intention for man? and how is it that we matter so much to Him? Is it that we were created in His image? And, even though we are created in the image of Him, yet we have free will: we have the ability to sin, of which He is not capable of, because in Him is no darkness at all! If hell was created for the devil, and if hell is in the center of this earth; then what did He make this earth for? This is something that has puzzled me for decades; because, if for some unknown reason, the weakness of God, if there is such a thing, needed to manifest in a way, to take down the powers of darkness; and if this is true, and I am sure we will find out soon enough, then God's plan of redemption was bigger then just you and I, but involved all of His creation; we being the central part of His plan... (Never mind me, I might be having a flashback!)

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