Monday, March 12, 2012

"The Big Bounce"

"The LORD shall judge the people: judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me." (Psalms 7:8) How serious are we about getting right with God? "What have I done? What have I done again? What have I continued to do?" You might know the scene from the movie Year One, as Cain continues to plummet Abel in the head with a rock; each time he hits him, he immediately repents for his action; that is until his brother moves again, at which time he hits him again, and then repents again; until finally his brother is dead, and he is now about covering up for his actions. Repentance is more than just turning from sin; real repentance requires that we turn towards righteousness! God warned Cain about what unrighteousness can do, and that instead, he should do well; however, if he did not well, sin would be waiting at the door. These are two different types of "judge" that David is speaking of; the first one means to govern, as in to govern Thy people; the second one means to judge, as in to govern my cause, or to be an arbitrator in my defence. There is a reason that David was called "A man after God's own heart", and it had to do with getting close to God! In other words; just turning from sin will not get us close to God, it will help us not to sin; but sin will always be waiting at the door. Instead, we must turn towards righteousness; which means, doing that which is right; which sets us on the path of righteousness! In case you did not get that meaning; it means that our life is set on a different path! In other words; there are two paths that we have to choose from: one is that of sin, and not sinning; while the other, is the path of righteousness, of which sin is not an option. Jesus has provided for us a path of righteousness; wherein, we are placed upon that path by what He accomplished on the cross for our sin. When we do sin, we have stepped off of that path, and onto the path of sin; therefore, we must not only turn from that sin which we have committed, but step back onto that path of righteousness; otherwise, sin will be waiting at the door! What am I saying here is quite simple: we simply must do what is right! And how do we do that? By asking God to govern our lives...

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