Thursday, March 22, 2012

"The Charming Song"

"I will praise the LORD according to His righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high." (Psalms 7:17) I am more than sure that God wonders why we are not more willing to receive His love for us; how much more could He have done to offer forgiveness? As we progressed through this Psalm, I do hope that I did not stray to far from the main point; but as I said before, the Lord was speaking to me about a certain subject, and therefore, I needed to move in that direction. Ultimately, we have the capacity to accept His forgiveness; just like we also have the ability to forgive others; we just need to want it! Much the same as the desire not to sin, must be just that: a desire not to sin! The word that formed in my mind all night long, was the word 'PURITY'; it is a word that means to be free from foreign matter; cleanness; innocence; guiltlessness. All of which we are given, and meant to be, as children of God; His children are pure, for He is pure! The final verse of Psalms Seven, is what I would call, the Charming Song; which is placed at the end of a wandering journey towards finding true forgiveness. I know that forgiveness comes the moment that we receive Jesus Christ into our hearts; but, forgiveness is not truly realized until we can see what He has done, and know the power of His love for us! Yes, power of His Love! There is nothing more powerful than His Love! I was thinking this morning about what a virgin must think about as they continually commit to holding out for their one true love. What is it that motivates their desire to stay pure? Love? I think the answer is yes! They may not even know who it is that they shall love; yet they are committed to be pure, for whom ever that might be. We, one the other hand, know Him; and we know that soon He will be returning; therefore, we must remain pure for His return! How do we remain pure? The blood of Jesus Christ washes away all of our sins; and if we have sin in our lives, then we must confess that sin, be cleansed from that sin, and sin no more! However; if we happen to sin again, then we confess that sin; and He is faithful and just to forgive us of that sin, and to cleanse us of all of our unrighteousness. Our biggest problem is accepting that forgiveness as the end of our sin; instead, we hold onto a portion of that sin; whether that be the scare of the sin, or the memory, or whatever else can be attached to it; and we really don't consider it removed, until we remove it. You think God doesn't know your struggle? Why do you think He did all that He could do, to not only remove our sins, but to remove all punishment as well? All punishment, means that which we place upon ourselves also! When God removes our sins, the stain is gone also!!! When we have been set free from sin, we have been set free from sin's curse, and all of it's judgements! This is made possible, not by what we have done, nor by anything that we can possibly do; but it is only possible by God's righteousness being poured upon us! When we can truly see that, and as we stand there covered in His precious blood, now think about anyone that you have not forgiven; think if their sin against you is not covered also, and that your unforgiveness is like your hand extended out from the covering; and the only way to draw it in, is with the hand of those that you have not forgiven being placed within your hand... We truly are forgiven!!!

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