Saturday, March 24, 2012

"A Holy Wine Press"

"To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm of David." (Introduction to Psalm Eight) This word Gittith is used in the introduction of three Psalms, 8, 81 and 84. Looking this word up, you end up with something rather interesting; because it simply says, Gittith = "a wine-press"; and then within the one definition, it says, a musical instrument? from Gath? and used in three Psalm titles - 8, 81, 84; a song title used for the Feast of Booths. The Lexicon gives us a little more help, in that it says, a Gittite, and then shows the reference for 2 Samuel 6:10; but then it goes on to say, a kind of musical instrument, either used by the people of Gath, or as it were, as used in the vintage with the songs of the wine-dressers and press-treaders. Okay, so be it! Let's start out with 2 Samuel 6:10 and see where that takes us; because in that verse, David is dumping the Ark off at the house of Odem-edom the Gittite. Oddly enough, a Gittite is from the land of Gath, which is also the land where Goliath was from, in the land of the Philistines. If you know the story, David had tried to move the Ark to Zion, after he had captured that city and made it his chief city; however, they placed the Ark upon a cart, and he was upset that Uzzah was killed by putting forth his hand to stabilize the Ark, as the cart wheel had went into a ditch. Therefore, David left the Ark at the closest piece of land, which happened to be that of Odem-edom; and it stayed there for three months, of which time, God blessed Odem-edom and all that he had; which caused David to reconsider, and bring the Ark into into Zion; but this time, they did it right, and used staves which were meant to carry the Ark, and Levites to bare the staves. Okay; so maybe we could consider this story as the means for God to press into David the holiness and reverence to which God must be approached, including that which He has ordained to represent Him, as the ideal example of 'A Holy Wine Press'; it just might work. However, there is another Gittite to be considered, and that is none other than Goliath, the giant that spewed vile words unto God, causing the armies of Israel to stand in fear. Yet, along comes a young Shepherd boy; as a choice grape, that has been growing on the 'vine of God'; who hears those vile words, and is quick to notice that the giant was challenging God; the God of all creation was being challenged by a mortal man; a big man, no doubt, but mortal through and through. In this, David realized that God could use him, a simple shepherd boy, to take down this vile creature; because greater was He that was in him, then anyone who was in the world, no matter how big he might be! Could it have been that David remembered this as God blessed the house of a Philistine? That God is Holy and mighty to save, yet His ways are not to be defiled; which means, that God's way, although sometimes seeming impractical to follow, are the ways that get results...

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