Thursday, March 15, 2012

"The Hollows"

"God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day." (Psalms 7:11) Feel like playing the odds? By now you should have noticed the significant titles that I have given to each of these postings; all of which are characteristic to the places in which this ball ends up, or effects that the ball is subject to as it continues down this journey. Why a ball, you might be wondering? Well, I guess it just seemed to fit best as to the way we are rolling, bouncing, and even sometimes detour through our daily lives. What we have here today, is the place that I have chosen as the Hollows; which are formed by river valleys, that may be relatively dry clefts with a notch like characteristic in that they have a height of land and consequent water divides in the their bases. Remember that this is a wandering song, and as such, it traverses down a path where there are things which control it, and things which it effects; all of which are predicated on the form that it has taken. Anywho; this verse that we have before us today; well, let's just say that it has both aspects of control and effect, all rolled up in one! I could liken it to the care that I give to my wife; in that, as I care for her, she is cared for, for me to care for her yet another day; and in that care that I give her, she blesses me with her presence each and every day that she is still with me! For, "God judgeth the righteous" speaks about Him governing the lives of those who are righteous. In other words; those that are righteous are governed by His Spirit; those that are wicked, well, not so much! As a matter of fact, David takes this right to the point, by saying, "and God is angry with the wicked every day"; meaning, every day that they live in wickedness, God's wrath is upon their lives, like a curse, waiting to judge them with the righteous anger of a Holy God! I can't believe some of these studies that our tax dollars are spent on; as I heard the latest 28 year long study about the effects of eating red meat upon our chances of getting cancer. I was watching them cook up some really nice looking Ribeyes, yet they were speaking about Pork byproducts. Who comes up with this stupidity? And the radio version was even worse, as they gave some made up statistic about a 19% better chance of not getting cancer for every day that you do not eat red meat; or some such nonsense! How about this: you have 100% chance of going to Hell every day that you walk in wickedness!!! There is only one way to become righteous in God's eye, and that is by being covered in the blood of His Son Jesus Christ! And when we are made righteous, He governs our lives!!!

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